Planted Brand
Planted Technology seat brackets made in the USA are available for over 267 applications & growing everyday! They are designed for easy installation and are vehicle-specific to avoid time-consuming modifications. The Planted Seat Bracket is made with 3/16" thick steel for superior strength. It is built to accept sliders from most major seat manufacturers. Extra material is provided for direct seat or side mount applications where eliminating sliders is preferred. They are finished with a black powder coat and applications are available for most cars. It also makes it easy to be more comfortable, save money, and have the satisfaction of doing the job yourself.
Assuming that you assembled and installed everything yourself, congratulations! The only thing left now is to double check all bolts and make sure that they are all fastened securely. A loose fitting could result in serious injury and even death. If you installed the sliders yourself, check if they slide freely, if not, check your assembly and reinstall it.
Getting a racing car seat is a very worthwhile investment and will greatly improve your driving performance, comfort and safety. When installed correctly, they can make a difference in life or death situations. So it’s always money well spent on quality fittings and time well spent to double check assembly and harnesses.